Introducing new offerings for elementary teachers through CS Fundamentals Deep Dive workshops!
We’re used to pushing the boundaries of computer science education at, and now we’re excited to announce that we’re pushing the boundaries of our most popular professional learning program.
Starting this fall, we’re launching the brand new CS Fundamentals Deep Dive workshop to expand your practice as a CS Fundamentals teacher. Through this workshop, you’ll explore CS Fundamentals course materials, teaching practices, and strategies as well as collaborate with other educators to strategize concrete ways to address roadblocks to equitable CS education.
This 6-hour workshop, based on the curriculum, is designed to give teachers a hands-on learning experience with other like-minded teachers who also have experience teaching CS Fundamentals. You’ll not only leave with an understanding of the philosophy, values, and rationale behind how the CS Fundamentals course is structured, but also a customized plan for how to implement more of the CS Fundamentals courses in your own school.
The Deep Dive workshop is for teachers who have at least some experience teaching CS Fundamentals, even if it’s just a few lessons. There are no prerequisites aside from having taught CS Fundamentals, so if you’ve started teaching, you don’t have to take the CS F Intro workshop first.
And similar to other workshops, you won’t be alone in this journey. We’ll offer ongoing support through the teacher forum and online support after the workshop so you can continue building a strong community of practice and support with your fellow teachers.
If you’ve never taught CS Fundamentals before, we gladly welcome you to attend the CS Fundamentals Intro workshop. Both workshops are based on our six-part elementary curriculum that spans Kindergarten through 5th grade and align with the Computer Science Teacher Association (CSTA) academic standards.
Nearly 90,000 educators have been trained through our day-long CS Fundamentals Intro workshop since 2013, and we are so excited to offer this new Deep Dive workshop for teachers who want to go even further.
CS Fundamentals teachers play a key role in the computer science education movement because we know how crucial it is to reach students with computer science when they are young — especially if they are girls or students of color. We could not do this work without the involvement, enthusiasm and expertise of our CS Fundamentals teachers, and we are so proud and excited to offer this expanded opportunity!
Contact your Regional Partner to learn more and register.
-Hadi Partovi, founder and CEO